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Monday Madness: Volume 17

March 31, 2014

Quote of the Week:

“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.”

– Brene Brown


I’m a rather open person. Some might say…too open. 🙂 I’ve wondered at times if I’m too open on my blog or on my Facebook page. Perhaps the place to be personal is only with friends and that I should take a more reserved approach when it comes to my business. This is something I’ve struggled with.

The more I think about it though…the more I think that my business is me. I’m not some big corporation pumping out hundreds of weddings and portrait sessions a year. I’m Amber and I’m a people person. I love to get to know people and find out their story. I care about people and am empathetic. What this world needs more of is love and how that love grows is by all of us getting to know each other. Really know each other– our flaws and our strengths, our peaks and our lows.

So i’m going to continue being personal and I’m going to continue to put myself out there. I am going to continue to be vulnerable and yes that also means that I will continue to get hurt. And I’m ok with that.

Highlights of the Week:

* I got my new promo photos taken last monday!! it was so much fun!!!

* Last Tuesday was my 40th birthday. Woot! Woot! I got so many wonderful birthday messages and it really meant the world to me and made me feel so loved. I also published a very personal happy birthday to me blog post and showed a few of my awesome new promo photos.

* Alas I did not get my orange (or white) fluffy kitten nor did I get a Nikon D4 for my birthday. Savannah did however surprise me with this. Haha. Not. Janna sent me this awesome gift too!

* I won’t go into a lot of specifics here…but trying to adopt a kitten from a shelter is crazy hard! Seriously! I felt like it was the inquisition having an interview with the lady on the phone. I walked away feeling like the worst pet owner ever. But to redeem myself I did take Bear and PTL to the vet for their checkups and both were as healthy as animals can be! In an effort to try and curb Bear’s anxiety with loud noises we’re trying this fun new Thunder shirt for him. He looks so cute!

* My orchid is finally in bloom this year and that makes me super happy! I guess it figured that spring is never going to come outside so it should bring a little joy to me inside.

* And drumroll………..I finally  have started to reveal my rebrand. First up…my FaceBook Photography Page. Everyone should go and check it out and “like” it. I’m so excited for all of this and can’t wait to have my website and blog live too.



what are you thoughts on the rebrand so far??????

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